
IMB Goals

The Connections Cluster serves Southern Baptists and the Southern Baptist Convention to fulfill the goals that the president of the IMB, Dr. Paul Chitwood, laid out for the trustees in the following ways:

1. To increase giving of Southern Baptists to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. We teach all the people we work with about Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon, encourage giving and raise awareness.

2. To send out 500 new missionaries. A great way to send out missionaries is by providing opportunities to serve cross-culturally. Many missionaries are on the field today because they experienced missions firsthand on a short-term trip. A mission trip focused around the Missionary Task teaches what a missionary does. Out of the 500 new missionaries, we expect to double the number of our cluster. This has already been approved in our ODP, but our goal is not to stop there. The more personnel we have in our cluster, the more we can serve the SBC and fulfill the IMB’s goals.

3. To mobilize 500 global partners. We find, train, and help our teams set up partnerships. As connectors, we connect the IMB, SBC and national partners for the Missionary Task.

4. To engage 75 global cities. We provide first-time training for SBC churches and help them connect and partner in the global cities. Global city leaders send us profiles about the peoples and places where they are working. We use these profiles in our training with SBC churches to encourage new partnerships.

5. To increase yearly Lottie Moon giving. The more we advertise, train and connect to the SBC, the more the giving will increase. Through Missions College, state convention annual meeting presence and student involvement, we will see a 6% increase.